And if you do believe you're going with him, then explain why you think so; if not, how can you improve your life/self to go to heaven (if you want to go, that is...)?
-Oh wow, nice choice of topic there Benita :)
well, I believe I would be going with him, in fact I'm sure of it, but this question has got me thinking what kind of christian I have been acting like right now, ya know?
anyhoo, there is no way I would want to be living through the tribulation period, but if I had to, I would tough it out, even if that means giving my life to defend my beliefs and not giving into the devil's very temporary temptations he might offer throughout that seven years, but in the end we all know God wins this war and defeats Satan for good :)
I want to be on the winning side, how bout you missy?
-It was one of those days, during one of those hours, ya know :P
You say you will defend your beliefs, even if it means laying down your life; but what are your beliefs? And what kind of temptations do you think the dude has out for us? Will it be clear for us to see, or will it be hidden between the lines? How will we know where those trip-lines are?
And what if we're living now, in those seven years? How are we, as professed Christians, doing so far?
And answer to your question: honestly, I'm not quite sure yet.
One thing I'm sure about, is that I don't want my mom going without me, because all she'll do up there is blame herself for my damnation; which is why I think it would be nice to be in heaven; eating and drinking with men and women who went through hell and back, to get to where they're at now...
As of now, I really don't know anything; I wish I was as sure as you :)
-oh I understand...
my beliefs would have to clearly be of what I have read in the bible, revelations has everything mapped out and the signs you should look for, but I'm pretty sure these will be in between the lines, not throughout the whole seven years, maybe for the first year or two, but who knows. And if it isn't between the lines temptation will definitely be drawn our way. I know some of these temptations include a major famine, so scarce food at markets would require the mark of the beast, and we all know if you get this mark you are not welcome into the house of the Lord. There are many more, but that is one I remember in particular. I wouldn't say I have been the best Christain I can be right now, but I know I have been trying and I still feel God is watching out for me, ya know, even though I have been a little farthead. I know how you feel though, sometimes I feel empty and lost like God's direction in my life just isn't there, or that I am incapable of being a good christian, but you have to remember, everybody has their own problems, and nobody in their right mind thinks they are truly one of the best christians out there , ya know what I mean? But I do know what you're saying, what really defines us as christians? Pastors would tell you "as long as you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior and invited him in your heart you are a christian", but many people including myself have felt like that fire Jesus put in our hearts burnt out, like we became to busy and forgot about that day we invited him into our hearts, then we invite him in our hearts again and become a born again christian, and I know I have been through this cycle three times already, but how come this keeps happening? Maybe He has been in our hearts the whole time, we just like clarification. I know part of it is because I set my beliefs on the backburner and do things that I know are sins, such as getting drunk, and not having to feel guilty about doing it...but then again, when we sin we all know what we are doing, but we are going to do it anyways sometimes, and that's where I sometimes feel I am not "trying" to become a better christian...and that is probably where I lose track on my faith sometimes...but I don't believe that automatically put's you in the category of the "unsaved".
As for your mom, I really don't know what to say about things like that, I have asked myself the same question numerous times, what If I go to heaven and my family isn't there or vice versa, how would I be able to be happy? They say in heaven there is no pain, but pain just feels too real right now on earth to comprehend something like that, just like it's impossible to comprehend how God has been around forever...I believe God was always here, but I can't comprehend something like that...
I'm curious to hear your side of things :)
-I gotta say that i agree with you; but temptations aren't always going to be as visible, or felt so strongly as a famine. I think the most dangerous ones are the ones that don't seem all that bad, but are deadly enough to veer us off our path...
But yes, if you are marked with the mark, then you forever banned from heaven for good; so what is the mark of the beast?
And I agree with you again; being saved isn't just going to church, sing your songs--although that's not a bad thing. I do believe that no one can judge whether or not one is fit for heaven, except for God himself..
Yes, I have felt God/his angels beside me forever; especially very strongly lately.
I should've died a couple times in a car accident--if not horribly injured--but I'm still alive... still healthy. Actually, I should've been dead by now; which is why I keep thinking, wondering about why he's kept me alive and healthy all this time.
No pain? No tears; no wants? How can that be possible if your family or loved ones are left behind? I guess it's just something that we'll have to figure out for ourselves. Hopefully neither of us, or anyone, has to go through that painful loss...
There are so many things about this place, heaven, that seems soooo unreal!...
I just have so many questions, and thoughts... I don't even know where to begin, or how to present them! :/
-Oh I have no doubt some of those temptations the devil throws at us during tribulation will not be visible or apparent, but I honestly think most of the temptations will be out on the table, because I believe this period for undefined christians is a strong test God and Satan are proposing...But with what we know in the Bible and what we were taught here on earth, the ultimate question within yourself is "what's the greater prize?" and in my mind right now that is clearly the gift of a happy eternal life.
The mark of the beast is the three numbers "666" as far as I know...
And I have to agree with you on what you're saying too, whoever judges here on earth is quick to fall to ignorance, and I hate to say it but you see this more often than not with people that are devout christians and go to church every Sunday...they think everybody else outside of their exact beliefs in this world is damned, and I know I couldn't say that about anybody because I don't know that for sure, but the bible states something about two judgements, one is the Seat of Christ where only believers in Christ are judged and a great white throne where all non believers will be judged and are already doomed to the lake of fire...the bible sounds like it has some scary truths sometimes doesn't it? And like I said before, sometimes I don't believe God is there given different accounts and difficult situations in my life, and believing and trusting him fully at those times is sometimes very hard to do :-/
oh I didn't know that you have been in a couple of bad car that why you said your back is bad?...but it really is a comforting feeling to feel like something greater and divine is watching out for you. If you survived both of those car crashes then it sounds like that is just a way God is telling you "hey Benita, earth still needs ya". Take it as a stepping stone :-)
yeah, the only possible solution in my head as far as loved ones being left behind is to make sure they definitely come with me, cause I honestly can't see myself happy without them by my side, especially knowing that if they aren't in heaven they are in eternal suffering...
I'm sure you will have the rest of your eternal life to ask God questions you have been stuck on, right now it seems like I might be too stupid to comprehend what answers God might give me right now lol
-Yeah, I suppose you're right; as professed christians, we should know what the temptations are, and what are not.
So if "666" is THE mark of the beast... will there be branded numbers, 666, on peoples' foreheads and hands?
Yes; I've met more judgmental people in the church, then those outside; it's sad, but that sure is the truth :/
I've heard something along those lines as well--about there being two separate judgments.
Faith is a very difficult trait to carry, and some people are being called "crazy" to possess it; but really, what's there to lose if you have just a little more faith in whatever you do during your lifetime, right?
I kind of typed that wrong; I wasn't involved in any dangerous collisions, I just had plenty times where I could have been, but didn't. Some people may say that the other driver stepped on the break just in time, but I've almost been hit so many times, I am now convinced that it was my "guardian angel" :P Pretty corny, or childish of me to say, but I do really believe so.
But you're right... maybe that's what He's trying to say...
I agree with you on that one. But how are we supposed to tell them? or help them?
What if they freak out, and think that I've completely lost my mind? What if they get so scared, they never want to hear "christianity" ever again?
How are we supposed to help the ones that we love the most?
You're right :) I have all of eternity to bug him :)
... I hope He won't mind little me, bugging Him all day with my never-ending questions :P
-I really don't know where these markings would be...but I don't care and I don't want any part of it.
Yeah, I can understand them wanting to change people into what they believe God is saying, but at the same time that's not a good way to bring about change, adults like to be talked and to and understood like adults...
I believe faith always comes with another trait when relating to Christianity, it's a "can't have one without the other", and that trait is trust... just believing in something doesn't mean you are already on board, you have to trust that things God puts in your life is all in His master plan. I know some people with the "crazy amount of faith" trait and it absolutely astounds me through all the hardships they have gone through and yet they still fully trusted God through all of it...
Those are the kind of people you wish you could be like sometimes, people who can take the stress off their backs and just hand them to God in a little gunny sack :-)
Haha, maybe that is you're cue to realize your a bad driver :-P
I wouldn't say any of that is corny or childish, I believe you, if you feel like God protected you then He did, you're still here right?
Haha, you're so cute, go bug him!
-I don't think I have anything left to say, but that I agree.
:P Like my mom... I can proudly say, that she is the reason I'd give God even a thought.
This woman has been through hell-on-earth, and back, but she's always smiling, always happy, always ready to take on the next challenge.
And it's not my fault, when others don't know their stop-turns.
Like yesterday, I stopped the same time the cross-traffic car stopped. He went, and now it's my turn, right? Well, the dumb lady who had just came up to the sign, when I began to go, starts speeding to the other side; how is that my fault, in being a bad driver? :P At least I know my place!
I will :) I will bug him :P
Okay, I think we can close this topic... your turn to choose a subject, mister David
-And God is great :-)
ok, onto the next subject benny boy!