Saturday, April 24, 2010

importance of self defense!!!

-ok Benita, so how good do you think your fighting skills are, on a scale from 1-10? do you think you could defend yourself from a little kid swinging a massive stick uncontrollably?
-Oh god! Well, on a scale of 1 to 10, I think I am an honest 5; hey, there's plenty of good, crazy ass fighter out there, who have much more experience than I~
"Win at all costs!"
You don't need to be a pro. trained fighter to win a battle; as long as you're smart, and crazy enough, you've already won the match ;P
And I do think that I can defend myself~ pssh! What do you think, that I am some kind of little weakling? hmp.
-I guess that would be a pretty fair and safe number :P
experience is key when fighting against less knowledgeable opponents! just because you are smart and crazy enough doesn't mean the match is already won, patience my young padawan.
well, I don't know if you are a weakling or not, let's find out, Q&A TIME!
Q#1 you are practicing your muay thai skills on the punching bag, and this chick walks over and laughs at you for the pair of crossed chopstix piercing your hair bun. How will you resolve this nonsense?
-True, true; but smart and crazy definitely increases your chance of victory by... a lot!
"Patience is a virtue" right :P
I will resolve this "problem" by challenging her to a match, and win!
Thus, showing her that even tho I have my eating utencles poked up in my hair, my fists are still very full of fury :) And teach her a little lesson not to laugh before obtaining any what knowledge of her opponent :)
How's that for an answer, mister David? :)
-you spelled utensils wrong, I mean even the spell check had to point it out to you...
but anyways, your answer had some juice behind it, but you forgot to mention how chopstix can be used as weapons, anyone in their right mind would know not to mess with a lady with a bun and sticks in it :P Use the stix to your advantage my young trainee!
-Ahhh! opps. Well, I don't have spell-check, soo... cut me some slack? ;P
Oh yes, chopsticks are very lethal! :D
So beware, when you see a sexy thing, walk down the street, with chopsticks in her hair; go far enough, she can kill you with those :P
And the ones you gave me has come in handy, many more than "many" times... thank you~ ;P
-you sure you don't? maybe you should get a mac then, these things do everything ;)
oh I'll just walk out wearing my steel toe boots and that would give her enough reason to stop looking at me with those beady eyes! when the steel toes are on that means business!
haha, you still have those? I gave them to you for a specific reason, you will know when the time is right ;)
-I do have spell-check, but when I wrote that, I was using Internet Explorer--for some reason, Internet Explorer doesn't have spell-check :P
Yes! Show her who's boss! :P
ugh, yes, I do still have them...
Yes, I will :) But for now, they sit in my hair, rolled up into a nice bun, waiting for the perfect time to kick some ass ;P
-firefox has spell check! omg get a mac's an apple app world out there :)
I will, my justice boots! :P
lmao! you sound like they need to go, well throw them away, don't tell me you put those pieces of wood through the dishwasher and use them for your next veggie meal :P
good, keep em handy ;)
-FireFox is what I'm using now!! Holy molly! You buy me a Mac! geez!
haha! I actually lost em the other day :/ and ew! I do not put them through the dishwasher!
First off, my head's not that friggin nasty! Second, idk how you do it, but I don't mix my food dishware, with others :/
But I sure will keep 'em handy! ;P
-for some crazy reason you think I am just loaded with money don't ya ;P
oh you did? well, I wouldn't expect anything less of you anyways
whaaaaaat? you mean you have your very own dishes, like plates and stuff? so when you guys do dishes at your house everyone gets their own dishwasher and soap too???? whaaaaaaat? no wonder you took ceramics class, you were short on money and dishware plates :P
-LMAO! You're the one who keeps saying "Mac, Mac; get a Mac!!" sooo... yes, I am convinced that you're loaded with that Benjamin :P Why the heck do you think I'm talking to you? ;P (jk!)
wtf? Where did I say that I have my own dishes? :/
Yeah, there's over 5 dishwashers in the house, more than 8 sinks, and a shed full of soap :/
Man, I tried to keep my situation with my lack of dishware on the D/L, but thanks David, thanks... now the world knows that I'm too poor to buy my own, so I make 'em.
But honestly, my hand-made dishes are far better than any Ikea-store-bought wares :P
-haha! GET A FUCKIN MAC! omg! they are the better buy down the road and will save you tons more money down the road, mac's last forever opposed to PCs who have an average life span of 8 years :P oh I have benjamins, but I am money smart for the most part, I'm the money shot ;P
yup! i knew it! sounds like you are trying to hide that you are being fed by the spoon here ;)
-Oh god, BUY ME A MAC!
But you are definitely right; it's better to buy one that lasts--and doesn't have so many problems--than to buy a PC that isn't as great :/
Haha! Yeah, it's the best not to flash that man around ;P
You're just gunna get a whole lot of those gold-diggin' chicks--mmmm~
Oh my goodness! hahaha! No~!
-hahaha! Maybe on your 30th birthday ;P
I would only get you a mac because it was out of my gratuitous heart to bring you to the world of apple :P
oh I never flash that money, it's always in its safe haven, the dollar bank acounts ;)
oh I can spot a gold digger right away, on the double!
lmao Benita's policy is "deny deny deny"
-Haha! By my 30th birthday, I'll already have bought my own damn Mac-n-others!
Well, show some gratitude right now ;P I'm just kidding.
Good, good! :D LOL! Yeah, they're not all so good at hiding :P
Oh gosh, NO! ;D
-it's comforting to know your future is with apple, you will be in a good hands ;)
pfft, show yourself some gratitude!
no, they stick out like a ninja dressed in orange hiding behind a small transparent bush :P
oh my gosh, yesh it is!
-Haha! You don't even work for Apple, geez! What a fan...
I do! Too much, apparently.
LMAO! Well put; very well put :P
-.- nope; it isn't.
-nope, I just consume apple products and software like a reader digests his magazine :P
lol, what gratitude was that, the pointy bra purchase? ;)
thank you thank you :)
OH, deny!
-Is it delicious, yes? :P
LOL! How on earth is that "gratitude" in any measure? Psh!
You're welcome, you are welcome :)
Oh gosh--what do you suggest I do then; agree with all your bullshit?
-It's all I would ever need to survive ;)
gratitude to yourself, you thought you deserved a little reward, that reward involving a pointy purchase
nope, I suggest your stop denying the truth ;)
-uh ya ya! You'd be doomed if Apple died :/
Don't depend so much on electronics, David :P
"pointy purchase"? LOL! I did not purchase that with thoughts of it being "rewarding" :P
...and I had no idea it would be that bad :/
I will continue to deny the lies you throw at me :) And that's THAT!
-so would america! I thank apple for being here with us :)
oh, everyone depends on electronics, aint it the truth?
lol! well you bought it anyways with hopes of a fashion truth I'm sure :P
anyways, on to the next topic? what's on your mind?
-Yes, electronic devices have taken over, and we've become soo lazy because of the abusive use of this wonderful technology :/
LOL! Uhh, wrong; I was in desperate need of a flippin' bra, cuz I just ran out of the house with none--so I went to the clothes depot., and bought me one; turns out it was the wrong ones :/
Look how far off-topic this conversation has come; began with "importance of self-defense" and ended with talks of Apple products and pointy bras!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

topic two: dangerous pets.

-I want a pet that can eat me.
But I'm going to tame it and be "George of the Jungle" :D
What kind of pet do you want, that is big or dangerous/crazy enough to eat you, David?
-Well Benita, if I was to attain any pet in the world that could eat me I would most definitely get a hippopotamus, mainly because I would love to step into that walloping mouth. I would then pierce his nose and little ears and nickname him Charles :P How about you Benita, any animal in the world that can eat you, what would it be?
-Hippo's are vegetarian, David. I think you really should watch Discovery Channel once in a while :/
But a pet I want, that can eat me, would have to be a anaconda. I want to be swallowed up whole, so I can give him an upset stomach, then when he pukes me back up, punch him between his eyes and show him who's boss! :D
But honestly, I think any pet/animal is capable of eating me, just because I'm so short :/
-pfft, they can still possibly eat me can they not? think about that one!
Benita, anacondas will not eat you till they have squeezed the life out of would be dead before you even entered his mouth :-/ so maybe you should consider getting a kangaroo if you want to fit inside something's belly then punch the stomach while you are sitting in the pouch and give it an upset stomach that way, then punch it in the nose and see if it doesn't punch you back ;-)
:-D now you're talking some sense, you would probably even get eaten by a clan of frogs :P
-No, Charles will not eat you. True, but if I act dead, maybe he'll just gobble me whole :P
But oh man! I want to box a kangaroo! Beat the shit out of Roo :P

and.... i doubt that frogs can kill me; eat me, yeah, maybe...but how would they kill me? I am short, but I am a whole lot bigger than they are
-Wow I think you need to watch the eating process of these things, you ever watch the "Discovery Channel"? ;-P
I wouldn't provoke a roo, those guys fuck it up mane! I would love to see this, go ahead missy, pick a fight with everything out of your league, I'll go buy a shitload of ice packs and bandaids!
And frogs would suffocate you with warts!
-Oh, shut up! Don't use my own line against me there sonny!
I laughed out loud, like a crazy person, when I read "...
go ahead missy, pick a fight with everything out of your league..."!! Yeah, you can buy those things for the kangaroo :P
Can frogs really give you warts? I know that some have poison, and can cause certain skin irritations, but I didn't know "warts"; that is pretty disgusting. I am never touching a frog again!
-Just thought I would point your ignorance out in full scale ;-)
Well you seem to want to take on things twice your size and twice the power, and a roo would mess up your whole face, be smart Benita!
Yeah, I was kidding about that, I don't know if they really give you warts, but yes, they do have the poison skin! watch out for the arrow frog!
-I'm sorry, but I doubt that an ignorant man, such as yourself, can ever point out my "ignorance" in full-scale :P
Oh man, I am going to beat the Roo up! Watch me!
"good-bye" Poisonous Dart Frogs! :/
-Well I really don't need to, your ignorance just shows itself full scale sometimes ;-P
DING DING! Once you hear that bell go off, 3 seconds later your going to hear "DING DING" and you're going to be laying on the floor with the lights out, then I would run over and carry you away from the kangaroo ring and bust out the band aid and ice pack saying "I told you so"
those frogs make great for poisonous blow guns, you could hunt elephants with those :P
-You've got it all wrong hun.
Oh man! Don't try and "jinx" me! ...just buy those band aids and ice packs by the buttload tho :P just in case, you know~
Let's make one! :D
-Uhm I don't think I do pumpkin...
I wouldn't say you're jinxed, more like hopeless in this fight against a kangaroo kickboxer! I already bought all the first aid stuff for the purpose I know they are going to come in handy ;-)
Let's do it! do you have any bamboo laying around?
-Well, I know so ;P
We will see who wins this match! I'm going to give Roo a candy bar, and kick him in the dome, when he tries to grab it :P Nahh, I think that's too fucked up :/
What do I look like, a panda? :P I'll look for some tho :D
-pfft you're confused little buddy :P
hey hey hey, easy, easy with the violence here, we don't want animal cruelty in these parts :P
Yes, you are as close as a panda gets, more of a panda than I could ever be ;)
-Not confused.
:P I think all you need is a set of bruised eyes, and you could pass for a panda, ANY DAY!
You got the belly-n-all babe! ;P
-stubborn little lady :P
hahaha! I think i know how to get a pair of those too, I could just slap you a pair of raw meat and brace myself for the worst...
and as for the belly, well, I eat meat and the panda eats bamboo and leaves like yourself :P
-lmao! You are a smart little man!
^^ I guess I'm something like those gentle giants :P
-oh I suppose me being little is some relation to you being big right? oh boyyyy
yeah, I guess you're right Benita, you are something like those fatass bamboo bears ;P
anyhoo, so any conclusions on the topic we have covered so far? :P
-LOL! you're a funny little jerk.
Conclusion: "
... Benita, you are something like those fatass bamboo bears..."
Next topic?
-OK ok! woo hoo!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

welcome welcome!

-Hi, my name is David!
-and my name is Benita (이 지혜)!
I guess you could say I'm the better one of the two ;P
-ugh, Benita is already breaking the rules, you're only supposed to write one line you line hog! well, I'm going to break the rules as well then! I would like to talk about the life of a male lion :)
-Oh gosh, David! I'm sorry :/ That slipped my mind... But let's get this topic rollin'; Male Lions, or many times refereed to as the "Alpha Lion" :)
-these lions rule the jungle, and keep their females in check, so when it's dinner time there should be food on the hungry "alpha lion's" table :) would you agree Benita?
-Before we continue, let's set one thing straight: Lions do not live in Jungles, dinkle-head. Have you ever watched the Discovery Channel? ...might do ya some good :)
But yes David, I do agree; alpha Lions are lazy!
-well you obviously haven't heard the song that sings about "in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight" :P and on top of that everything the light touches is the lions kingdom ;)
And I wouldn't say alpha lions are lazy, more like "well deserving"
-Well, that song is obviously wrong! Lions do not live in jungles; jaguars do :D
"well deserving"? What did they do to get such treatment? The only thing you alphas' do... is hump. The females do all the hunting, and protecting. ACTUALLY! Alpha lions are known to eat their babies :/
-Ugh, ok, so lions don't live in the jungle, they like savannas...SO WHAT? they still have the characteristics of KING! They attained this title by protecting the territory and ensuring safe hunting grounds for the females and occasionally tinkling on roses to make them grow :P Male lions have a sixth sense for sniffing out the weak and tasty cubs ;)
-True, true, true! Looks like someone's been doing their homework ;)
So what else can you tell us about the alpha lion, David?
-Well, just as the alpha lion's title implies, he is in fact a the king of his pride. And just as my name implies, David was a great king in the bible days and that means God must have chosen me to rule a pride of some sort!
-Oh boy... I knew you'd say something like that!
We are not talking about you, or your name, DAVID! Lions...alpha male lions!
-What what?! I'm just sayin', sheez! That's just a hunch, we will see what happens ;-)
Anyways, I guess we can agree alpha lions defend the pride territorial hunting grounds and pee on bushes for the hell of it :P
Alrighty Missy, it's your turn to pick a topic, what's on your mind right now?
-ugh, Fine! Agreed.